The Protective Effect of L-Carnitine Against Subchronic Toxicity of Formaldehyde on Rabbits Testicular Functions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University

2 Department of Theriogenology Faculty of Veterinary, Assiut University


Formaldehyde is naturally produced in our bodies and is found in multi products around us. This
study aimed to examine the effects of jonnaldehyde exposure in milk upon rabbits' testicular functions
and /he possible protective role of L-Carnitine as an antagollislfor these effects. Twenty male adult rab
bits were used in the present study. divided into jour groups. Co111rol group, formaldehyde group, formal
dehyde and L-Camiline group and LrCarnitine group. Semen analysis was done for all groups in addi
tion to Doppler Ultrasonography for testicles. All seminal parameters were affected by formaldehyde
exposure in milk; the effects were severe in the form of decrease the sperm count, motility, and increase
in the abnormal forms. In contrary rabbits received LrCarnitine showed dramaJic improvement in all
seminal parameters. Conclusion: L- Carnitine can be used as a protective agent for formoldehyde effects
on testicular disorders.