Toxic Effects of Gentamicin on the Kidney and the Protective Value of Nigella Sativa Supplement in Adult Male Albino Rats

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt

2 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt

3 Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt

4 forensic medicine and clinical toxicology department , Faculty of Medicine, Mansour University, Egypt


Gentamicin (GM) is an effective antibiotic against severe gram-negative infections. However ir can
produce nephrotoxicity ilz human. The Nigella sativa (NS) oil luis been subjected to several investigcuions
that have revealed its amioxldant activity in different conditions. The aim of this study is to assess the tox
ic effects ofGM on the kidney aJui the protective value ofnigella sativa oil supplementation against gen
taJnicintoxicity. Sixty rats were equally divided into 6 groups: Group I (-ve control group), Group II (Sa
line group), Group 111 (Com oil group), Group fV (NS group). Group V (GM group) and Group VI
(GM+NS group). The period of the study extended for 10 days. In the last 24 hours, urine was collected
to estimate urinary protein eu:retion. Then, the rats were sacrificed for biochemical analysis (blood urea
nitrogen, creatinine, superoxide dismutase and catalase) and renal histopathology by light and electron
microscope. The results of this study showed no significam difference between the negative control, sa
line, corn oil and NS groups in all measured biochemical parameters. However, there was signijica11t dif
ference in these measured biochemical par(l}lleters between GM group and the negative control group.
Furthermore, there was significant difference between GM+NS group and GM group. Light microscopic
examination of kidney specilnens of the rats of GM groups showed proximal tubular degeneration, necro
sis, desquamation in epithelial cells of the proximal tubules, disturbed architecture and injlaJmnatory in
filtrate. However, the electron microscopic e.xaminaJion of the same rats revealed detailed histopathologi
cal changes thaJ help in explanation the mechanism of toxicity of this drug. The co administration of NS
with GM revealed marked improvement in histopaJhological c/UJnges of kidney by light (111d electron mi
croscopic examination. It was concluded that gentaJuicin has toxic effects on kidney, and the use of nigel
/a sativa in combination with gentamicin could ameliorate its toxicity.